Understand how debtor finance enhances your cashflow and grows your business and learn some practical tips on how to choose the right financing. One of the challenges facing small entrepreneurs is the ‘trapping’ of their cash through receivables and incoming payments. When this happens, businesses are unable to pay for capital expenditure, inventory or staffing.

By getting invoice finance, the other term for debtor finance, you would have access to the money that would otherwise be in the hands of your customers, until the payments have been made.


Debtor finance is a great option for those trapped in this web. It helps improve the business through boosting the cashflow to finance the employees, materials, supplies, and equipment needed for the business. Some business owners often stress about the finances that their company has in the present. But Debtor finance will help ease their minds off a bit. Because whilst their company is just growing, there will still be a continuous cash flow. While the business progresses, the money it gets will then be used to repay the finances borrowed before. But until your business can stand on its own two feet, Debtor Finance will be guiding you through.

Compare lenders

Choosing the right lender isn’t that hard. The key is being open-minded. Don’t be bias when choosing a lender- just because they’re your friend’s friend doesn’t mean that they could be the right lender for you. Your lender must be upfront and honest. They should discuss all the costs and payments you need to make- without any hidden charges. It is advisable to choose a lender with good track record and transparent terms and conditions when it comes to interests, fees and other charges.  Your lender isn’t just your lender- they’re your partner. It’s important to pick someone who you know you’re comfortable with and completely trust because they’re going to be the ones responsible for helping you grow your business.

Choose the right financing model which would suit your borrowing needs

Debtor finance providers often fully manage your clients’ accounts receivables-but that depends on you though, if you want them to have full control or not. When they are the ones fully managing your accounts receivables, they get the chance to be more focused on the business rather than spend their time going after debts. Other owners prefer handling invoices directly with their clients whilst their debtor finance provider works incognito- your clients are unaware that you have a debtor finance facility.

It is important for you to choose which one is better for your business- to let the provider take full control or not. In a small business, the best choice would be having the provider take full control, because you’ll need as much help as you can get, especially if your business is just starting. If your business is already established, though, you can have your provider work in the background without their presence being known to your clients. It depends on you and your business. In the end, the decision is still yours.

Take time off to review your finances

Poor bookkeeping could cost you up to thousands of dollars. You may have lost receipts, forgot small expenses and failed to provide the tax office with the necessary documentation for possible tax deductions. If you have improperly categorized expenses, failed to accurately track income and expenses in the correct categories, it may be difficult to properly measure your business profitability. By getting debtor finance, you can use the time off to review your books and to discover rooms for improvement that could lead to more savings.

For example, do you pay your suppliers on time or late? If it’s the latter, then you seriously have to fix that. With your cashflow now in place, it’ll be a best if you pay your suppliers early, so they could ship your supplies and products early as well. They could have discounts that you haven’t been aware of because you keep paying late. When you start paying early and order in bulk so you won’t have to wait too long for your delivery to arrive the next time- plus, you might get discounts as well.

Save money—every little bit that you can

It is a good thing to save money, right? But, as you probably notice, it is easier said than done because there are just some nay bills to pay and so many new demands to meet. But, now that you are running a business—you no longer have to live paycheck to paycheck, so break away from this cycle and start saving. Set yourself up to the life of an entrepreneur by making a budget, and following it. Use debtor finance to take advantage of discounts, and to make some money saving changes inside your enterprise.

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